Øresund Magazine
Scandinavia’s best universities are in the Öresund Region
According to QS world university rankings, the University of Copenhagen and Lund University are Scandinavia’s best. With twelve universities in the top two hundred, the Nordic countries rank well. The US and Great Britain are top of the class, laying claim on the first ten places.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the world’s best university. Since its inauguration in 1861, eighty-one of its researchers have received a Nobel Prize. The University of Copenhagen is Scandinavia’s best, holding its previous ranking of 45, and as a result of Lund University’s improved international academic reputation, its ranking has jumped seven places, placing it 60th among the world’s universities.
The US and Great Britain dominate the list of the world’s best universities, holding the top ten places and with 50 and 29 universities respectively in the world’s best 200.
The Nordic countries have twelve universities on the QS ranking; a high number with respect to the number of residents. Germany has thirteen universities in the top 200, none of which rank as high as Denmark, but slightly higher than Sweden.
QS world university ranking is based on an assessment of 800 universities around the world. They are rated according to six parameters, the weightiest of which is the university’s academic reputation, which is determined based on a global survey of 63 700 academics throughout the world. Other factors that affect the ranking are how attractive students from the individual universities are considered in the academic world; the faculty to student ratio; how often the university’s research results are cited in other research; and how successful the university is at attracting students and faculty from other countries. (News Øresund)
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