Øresund Magazine
Ikea and Ikano invest big in Malmö
The Kamprad family is investing big in Malmö. Hubhult, Ikea’s new global office, is under construction next to the company’s furniture store in Svågertorp. Next year Ikano Bank and the property developers Ikano Fastigheter are moving their headquarters to Hyllie.
Next year Ikano Bank and Ikano Fastigheter will move their headquarters from Ideon in Lund to Klipporna, Skanska’s new, Danish-designed property in Malmö’s new Hyllie district.
”We’re expanding in Sweden and abroad, and Hyllie is a good strategic location for us”, says Stefan Nyrinder, CEO of Ikano Bank.
Besides its proximity to Copenhagen Airport, the headquarters’ location in Hyllie will place the two Kamprad-owned Ikano companies within walking distance of Ikea’s new global office, Hubhult, which is currently under construction across from the furniture company’s store near the Öresund Bridge in Malmö.
Construction of Hubhult should be completed in the summer of 2015. More than eight hundred will work in the global office, which will receive a thousand visitors a week from all over the world.
In addition to being a global meeting place, other existing companies will move into Hubhult – Ikea Food and Ikea Services from Helsingborg and Ikea Industry Investment & Development in Kastrup, among others.
Ikano Bank is active in Scandinavia, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Ikano Fastigheter develops and builds retail and residential properties in the Nordic countries. The company is part of the Ikano Group, founded in 1988 and owned by the Kamprad family. (News Øresund – Johan Wessman)
New headquarters have created more than 3 000 new jobs in Malmö since 2003
For the city of Malmö, the Ikano Group’s decision to relocate means that the list of companies established in the area continues to expand. Since 2003, more than fifty companies have relocated their Swedish, Nordic or global headquarters to Malmö. The majority are companies in southern Sweden aiming to come closer to Copenhagen Airport and facilitate their recruitment of highly educated employees, but companies from Brussels, Denmark and the Stockholm area have also chosen to relocate their headquarters to Malmö.
According to estimates made by the Öresundinstitut in October of 2013, the new headquarters will have created 3 200 new jobs in Malmö between 2003 and 2015. The figures do not include the Ikano Group’s new headquarters.
(News Øresund)
Some headquarters that have relocated to Malmö
Orkla Foods – food business; formerly Felix(headquarters)
Ikano Bank (headquarters)
Ikano Fastigheter (headquarters)
Ikea’s global office ”Hubhult” (designated by Ingvar Kamprad as Ikea’s new headquarters)
Perstorp – Chemical products manufacturer (global headquarters)
Peugeot – Danish-owned automobile importer (Swedish headquarters)
Britax – Children’s car seats (Nordic headquarters)
Kunskapsporten – Properties (headquarters)
Moltex – Textile company (headquarters)
Partnertech – Contract manufacturer (headquarters)
Still – Trucks (Swedish headquarters)
Storck Sverige – Confectionery (Northern European headquarters)
Subaru – Automobiles (Nordic headquarters)
Zhonghuan Hi-Tech – Chinese IT-company (European headquarters)
Arjo Huntleigh – Medical technology (global headquarters)
Mil Institute – Leadership development (headquarters)
Telavox – Telecommunications (headquarters)
Anton Paar Nordic (Nordic headquarters)
AR Packaging Group – Packaging (global headquarters)
Biomet – Medical devices (Swedish headquarters)
Elfa – Storage solutions (headquarters)
Honda Nordic – Automobiles (Nordic headquarters)
Ripasso Energy – Energy systems with Kockums stirling technology (headquarters)
Sparbanken Öresund (headquarters, now a division of Swedbank)
Tic Tac Interactive – E-learning (headquarters)
Viktväktarna/Weight Watchers (Nordic headquarters)
Ballingslöv – Kitchens (headquarters)
Hexpol – Plastics industry (headquarters)
Mercedes-Benz – Automobiles (Danish-Swedish headquarters)
Vestas Northern Europe – Wind energy (Northern European sales office)
Berner Medical – Surgical supplies (headquarters)
Colorama – Paint and wallpaper retail chain (headquarters)
New Nordic – Health food (headquarters)
AarhusKarlshamn – Danish-Swedish food products (headquarters)
Brio – Toys (headquarters)
Cefar – Compex – Medical technology (headquarters)
Homeenter – Mail-order shopping (headquarters)
Kwintet Group – Workwear (headquarters)
Midsona – Health food, formerly Middelfart Sonesson (headquarters)
Duni – Diving products (global headquarters)
IMP, International Masters Publishers – mail-order (headquarters)
Inwido – Windows and doors (global headquarters)
The Blackberry Tribe, formerly TAT – mobile technology (development division)
Hilding Anders – Beds (global headquarters)
Securitas Direct/Verisure Alarm company (global headquarters)
Thule Group – Automobile accessories (global headquarters)
Sources: Malmobusiness.com and Öresundsinstituttet/News Øresund

Ikano Bank and Ikano Fastigheter are moving their headquarters from Ideon in Lund to Klipporna ,Skanska’s new, Danish-designed property in Hyllie. Illustration: Skanska – Henning Larsen Architects.

Roland Idemyr, CEO of Ikea Services, will build Hubhult, Ikea’s new global office next to the furniture store in Svågertorp, Malmö. More than 800 employees will work there, and one thousand visitors weekly will be received from around the globe. Photo: News Øresund – Johan Wessman
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