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Øresund Magazine

Changing cross-border moving trends

Recent figures giving numbers of people moving across the Øresund strait indicate that 2013 will show a turn in previous moving patterns. During the first six months of 2013 the number of cross-border removals has increased by 18 percent compared … Continue reading



Recent figures giving numbers of people moving across the Øresund strait indicate that 2013 will show a turn in previous moving patterns. During the first six months of 2013 the number of cross-border removals has increased by 18 percent compared to the same period in 2012

Cross-border_movingSince 2009 the amount of people moving across the Øresund strait has fallen year by year, but figures from 1st and 2nd quarter of 2013 published by Ørestat indicate that a change is underway. In total the number of people moving has increased by 18 percent during the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012.

Especially people moving from Skåne in Sweden to Eastern Denmark are on the increase, but also the numbers moving from Eastern Denmark to Skåne are rising after a constant decrease since 2007 when Danish property prices started falling. The numbers moving from Skåne to Eastern Denmark during the first six months of 2013 have risen 25 percent whereas 7 percent more have moved from Eastern Denmark to Skåne during the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012.

The Danes still account for the brunt of all removals across the Øresund strait and this applies to removals in both directions. I 2012 half of all cross-border removals were done by people born in Denmark, whereas people born in other countries than Denmark and Sweden accounted for 30 percent, and people born in Sweden for 20 percent. However, the 20 percent born in Sweden are not all Swedish: many are children of Danes. Every second moving from Skåne to Eastern Denmark and born in Sweden are under the age of 10. A number of Danes who throughout the 00ies settled in Skåne have established a family in Sweden. Some of them are now deciding to move back to Denmark. (News Øresund – Britt Andresen)

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