Øresund Magazine
The Kamprad family sell Ideon Science Park in Lund
The founder of the Swedish home furnishing empire Ikea, Ingvar Kamprad (picture) played an important role establishing the Ideon Science Park in Lund in the 80s. Through the real estate company Ikano, the Kamprad family is now selling its share … Continue reading →
The founder of the Swedish home furnishing empire Ikea, Ingvar Kamprad (picture) played an important role establishing the Ideon Science Park in Lund in the 80s. Through the real estate company Ikano, the Kamprad family is now selling its share of approx. 60 percent of the properties in the estate for 1.5 billion Swedish kroner to the local real estate company Wihlborgs who will now become sole owner of the Ideon estate.
Ideon is one of the largest science parks in the Nordic countries and will celebrate its 30th anniversary this Autumn. Ingvar Kamprad agreed to build the Ideon estate by being promised that Ikea should construct one of Ideons largest properties, namely the Alfa-building. In 1987 the Kamprad family established the company Ikano which i.a. took proprietorship of the Ideon estate. Ikano has continued to develop the area, the latest development being the high rise Ideon Gateway.
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