Øresund Magazine
The Capital Region of Denmark encouraging increased use of electric cars – 12 000 cars to move on the roads by year 2015
12 000 electric cars are to move on the roads in Greater Copenhagen by 2015. This is the target set by The Capital Region of Denmark and their new project Copenhagen Electric. Today there are not even 1 500 electric … Continue reading →
12 000 electric cars are to move on the roads in Greater Copenhagen by 2015. This is the target set by The Capital Region of Denmark and their new project Copenhagen Electric. Today there are not even 1 500 electric cars in the whole of Denmark. Copenhagen Electric is to encourage municipalities, hospitals and enterprises to purchase more electric cars for their car pools. – We’re starting with the municipalities, says Kåre Albrechtsen, head of Copenhagen Electric that is run by the Capital Region of Denmark. The region is investing 12 million Danish kroner in the consulting project Copenhagen Electrics over a 3-year period. The municipalities in Greater Copenhagen now have 274 electric cars, which is eight percent of the entire municipal car pool. The aim is to increase this share to 25 percent in only two years’ time. (News Øresund)
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